In and of themselves, cookies are harmless and serve crucial functions for websites. Cookies can also generally be easily viewed and deleted. However, cookies can store a wealth of data, enough to potentially identify you without your consent. Cookies are the primary tool that advertisers use to track your online activity so that they can target you with highly specific ads. Given the amount of data that cookies can contain, they can be considered personal data in certain circumstances and, therefore, subject to POPIA and the GDPR / More info about cookies
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We collect and process how devices engage with our website by means of Google Analytics (GA). Its gtag.js script uses a set of cookies to collect (anonymous) information and report site usage statistics without personally identifying individual users to Google and us. This information may include the IP address your device uses to connect to the Internet, device and browser type and version, time zone setting, operating system, page interaction and navigation, and a user ID – a unique, persistent, and non-personally identifiable ID string that allows GA to identify unique users across browsing sessions, which enables the analysis of groups of sessions across devices. / More info / Check whether these cookies have been installed in the Cookie Settings
When we restrict access to particular content on this website, we require a password to access the content. WordPress stores the password as a cookie, but not automatically – only if you request access to that content. This cookie stays on your computer for 10 days by default (unless you remove it) / Check whether these cookies have been installed in the Cookie Settings